The Utah Vehicle bill of sale form needs to be filled in situations when a transaction (buying or selling) of a vehicle is in process to be completed. This form is limited to the state of Utah. Once filled it must be submitted to the ‘Division of Motor Vehicles;’ PO Box 30412, Salt Lake City, UT 84130. Telephone: 801-297-7780 or 1-800-368-8824.
Below mentioned steps shall help you understand and fill the form.
- Begin the form by choosing the kind of vehicle that is for sale from the given options such as; Automobile Light Truck, Van or Util., Heavy Truck (over 12,000 lbs), Trailer, Motorcycle, Off-Highway Vehicle, Snowmobile & Boat. Then provide the amount that is agreed mutually by both the parties for the sale of the vehicle.
- After that, provide the full name of the buyer (first, middle, last) followed by the full and legal name of the seller. Then provide a detailed description of the vehicle that would help identifying the same. This description should include the year of purchase, make of the vehicle, its model, vehicle identification number (VIN #) and license number.
- Lastly, the document has to be signed by the seller along with the present date certifying that the vehicle is in a working condition and that the seller held complete rights to the ownership of the vehicle. They also confirm that it is free from all loans, debts, tax burdens, etc.

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