The Washington Vehicle/Vessel Bill of Sale form is used to complete the process of buying or selling of vehicle or a vessel in the state of Washington. This form does not transfer the title or act as a Report of Sale. This form is limited to the state boundaries.
Pointers mentioned below shall guide you in filling the form.
- The form begins with specific instructions for the seller and the buyer respectively which provide the tasks that both the parties need to perform in order to complete the transfer process. For any queries related to same; contact customer service at (360) 902-3770.
- Begin the main form with the complete description of the vehicle / vessel. This information must include if it’s a vehicle or a vessel, year, make model, license plate / registration number, vehicle / hull identification number (VIN # / HIN #), date on which the sale is being processed and the mutually agreed price of the vehicle / vessel.
- Next, fill in complete details of the seller, which must include their full and legal name (first, middle, last) along with their full address with their city, state and zip code. Then provide the same information for the buyer as well.
- Lastly, the document must be signed by the buyer and the seller. By doing so they acknowledge the sale and the seller confirms that the information give above is true.

Washington Vehicle, Vessel Bill of Sale
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