This kind of bill of sale form is used for the sole purpose of buying or selling of any valuable object and is legally applicable in the entire United States of America unless any state has its own specific form for the same. The General Bill of Sale form is legally accepted in the entire country and contains the details of the product or the valuable object sold, making is secure and safe for the buyer to proceed with the transaction.
Follow the instructions that are given below to fill the form correctly.
- The General Bill of sale of form begins with the date on which the item was sold, followed by the complete and correct details of the seller and buyer respectively. The details should include the full legal name (first, middle, last), complete address with the zip code and the home, cell & work phone number.
- This is the section where the complete and detailed description of the product that was sold, needs to be filled. As the product is unknown, mention anything and everything that might be of importance or relevance in describing the product. For example: the name of the product (care, motorcycle, etc.), the model (manufacturer), the make of the product, year, identification number, etc., followed by the dollar amount or the price at which the product was sold and the mode in which the payment was made.
- Finally in the last segment, the signature of both the parties is needed to be entered along with the date. By doing so both the parties confirm that the information stated in the form are true to the best of their knowledge and the seller also confirms that they owned complete rights of the product and that it is free from all liabilities including the mortgages, loans, tax burdens, etc. and that the ownership of the product is now transferred to the buyer.

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