This bill of sale form is used for the purchase or sale of a motor vehicle in the State of Indiana and is only limited to the boundaries of this state. Once the form is filled it needs to be submitted to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The form holds a legal standing by the state law and any suitable action can be taken, if failed to abide it.
Below mentioned are the simplified steps to understand and fill this form.(Use a blue or black ink to fill the form)
- In the first section you need to enter information related to the vehicle or watercraft which are; vehicle or hull identification number, year, make, model, registration number (applicable to watercraft only).
- Next you need to fill in the sale information which includes the purchase price, date of the sale, purchaser’s name (last, first, middle initial) & full address along with the zip code.
- Thirdly, below the undertaking which says that the seller transfers all rights and any other attachments to the purchaser after the receiving the agreed dollar amount. The seller also certifies that the vehicle or the watercraft is not subject to or is free from all mortgages or loans or tax burdens and there are any, then the seller shall be completely responsible for the same; the seller needs to attest the form with his signature along with his name in the same format as above. After that the buyer also has to sign and mention the date too.

Indiana Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale
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