The following bill of sale form is used at the time of purchase and sale of Boats in the state of Louisiana. After filling in all the details in the form, it needs to be notarized as well. The form acts as a legal binding for the sale, once notarized. It can only be used within the given state.
Please read carefully the instructions given below and then fill the form.
- At the very beginning of the form you need to mention the District. After that, below the statement which says; [BEFOREME, the undersigned Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in and for the parish and state aforesaid, personally came and appeared:] you need to mention the name of the seller under whom the boat is legally registered.
- Next you need to mention the name of the buyer who is legally eligible to purchase aforesaid boat. Then you also need to enter the complete description of the boat starting with the registration number, model and year, Manufacturer / Make and Boat Hull Identification Number (HIN#) / Motor Serial Number.
- Later, enter the sale price of the boat followed by the date of the sale. After that don’t forget to take a signature of the seller and buyer along with the date below the undertaking which says assures that the boat is not under any mortgages, loans, or tax burdens of any kind against the movable property sold or any accessories attached thereon.
- In the end, to legalize the form you need to get the bill of sale notarized by a Notary Public.

Louisiana Boat Bill of Sale Form
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