The Alaska Watercraft Bill of Sale form must be filled during the process of buying or selling of a Watercraft. This form is only limited to the state of Alaska and would not be considered legal elsewhere. This form is of utmost importance as it is one of the required documents during the process of registration.
The steps mentioned below shall guide you in understanding and filling the form.
- Begin the form by entering the county in which the sale is taking place. Then mention the dollar amount that was mutually agreed for the sale of the watercraft followed by the full and legal name of the buyer and then of the seller (first, middle, last) acknowledging the sale.
- Then describe the watercraft in detail which shall help in the identification process of the same. These details must include the year in which it was purchased, make of the watercraft, the model, style, length (ft. inch.), other, Hull Identification Number (HIN #) and color. After that, choose all the options from the check list that apply.
- Lastly, before the document is signed by the seller followed by their name, the seller must choose and mention if they would like to give the buyer a grace of certain days to get the watercraft checked by an external mechanic or not. Then by signing the document they certify that they hold complete rights of ownership of the aforementioned watercraft and the watercraft is free from all loans, mortgages, tax burdens or liabilities, etc. and that the details mentioned above are completely true to the best of their knowledge. The document also has to be notarized by the Notary Public for its legal standing.

Alaska Watercraft Bill of Sale
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