This bill of sale is used for the sole purpose of selling a vehicle which has been left abandoned for any given reason with a repairman for servicing and has not claimed it for a period of sixty days or left the vehicle unattended after an event of an accident to avoid arrest for a period of seven days. In such a scenario the other party has the full authority to sell the vehicle after sending a certified mail to the owner of the vehicle. Before the vehicle is sold, a thirty days legal notice period has to be sent to the owner and also published in the local newspaper with a full description of the vehicle along with the time, the date and the location where it was abandoned. Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicle bill is only applicable within the state and does not hold any legal status elsewhere.
The following steps will help you better understand the form.
- To fill the form you need to give the full description of the vehicle which must include the vehicle identification number, the year, the make and model number, the date of abandonment, the date, place & time of auction, the date it was published it was published in the newspaper as required by the Statue Title 32, Chapter 13-4(b), the name of the court posting or the newspaper where it was published, the date of first & second publication attached certified mail, the original MVT32-12R papers.
- If there were any costs included like repair, towing, servicing, storage, etc., that should also be included. The full name and address of the buyer along with the notarized signatory of the seller needs to be mentioned on the form.
- Outstanding certificate of title, notarized bill of sale, record request response statement of the abandoned vehicle, return receipt forms of the original certified mail and the payment of the title fee would also be required at the time of the sale.

Alabama Abandoned Motor Vehicle Bill of Sale