The Alabama Calhoun County Vessel bill of sale form is used when any individual wishes to sell a vessel in the county of Calhoun of the state of Alabama. For the procedure to be completed the seller must provide the buyer copy of registration they must also apply for Alabama registration transfer with the License Commissioner or County Licensing Official of his/her home county within fifteen calendar days and there shall be no grace period for using the boat once the registration has expired.
Below mentioned instructions shall guide you in understanding and filling the form.
- This form is of utmost importance and must be filled carefully. Begin the form by mentioning the dollar amount that was mutually agreed by both the parties followed by the present date. After that mention the details of the buyer which must include their full and legal name complete address including the city and the zip code. These details must be provided for the acknowledgement of the sale.
- Next, you must describe the vessel in details that will help identify the same if and when required. These details should include make of the vessel, the model, model year, Hull Serial Number, Length ft. of the vessel, motor make, motor serial number, HP, Alabama Registration Decal Number, Decal year and Decal Mth. It is also stated on the form that any boat in the state of Alabama newer that 1972 are mandatorily supposed to register with a 12 digit hull number and that all the motors must also be registered with a serial number and horsepower.
- Lastly, the document must be signed by both the parties including their name followed by the complete address of the seller certifying that the aforesaid vessel is in a working condition and that the seller holds all the rights to ownership. It also confirms that the vessel is free from all liabilities such as loans, mortgages or tax burdens.

Alabama Calhoun Country Vessel Bill of Sale
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