Any and every powered boat that is or is going to be principally used within the state of Alaska and which is not exempted under the state law for exemption for reasons such as: valid registration from another state or country, owned by the government or sub-division of the government, non-powered boat or a documented boat can and has to be registered in the state of Alaska. This registration is valid for three years. The items that need to be submitted during registration are: Application for registration, Fees for the same, Ownership document (Manufacture Statement of Origin (MSO), Carpenter’s Certificate, Bill of sale from previous owner or dealer, Title or registration from a previous state or Affidavit of Ownership).
Follow the steps given below very carefully to understand and fill the form correctly.
- This application for registration of the watercraft can be used for 60-days as temporary registration after which it becomes invalid and a certificate of number is issued by DMV.
- In the first section, provide the present AK boat number, reason for application, Boat name (if applicable) and class of boat.
- Fill the second section if it’s a new boat, transfer or if the information is changed. Provide the Hull Identification Number (HIN #), ADF&G # (IF ANY), Length (FT), Year, Make/Builder of boat, Boat type, propulsion, use, fuel type, hull material, hull color, trim color, cabin color and contact telephone number.
- In the third part, all the personal details of the applicant must be provided such as the mailing and the physical address including the city, state and the zip code, full and legal name of the owner or company (first, middle, last, suffix), SSN, DOB and Driver’s License Number.
- Lastly, the document must be named, dated and signed by the applicant after which the application along with the required documents can either be personally submitted to any of the DMV office or mailed to their office.

Alaska Boat Registration Application