This bill of sale form is used when you are purchasing or Selling a Watercraft or Boat. A detailed description of the boat along with the details of the seller and the buyer are given. The form is limited only to the State of Kansas.
The steps mentioned below shall guide you to complete filling the form.
- The first section explains the personal details that need to be mentioned of the seller as well as the buyer. They include the Name, Address, Home Phone, Work or Cell Phone.
- The next section needs to be filled with the following details of firstly the boat; year, make of it, length, hull ID #, Registration #. Then the details of the motor; year, make, HP. Lastly the details of the trailer should have the year, make, length, VIN# (Vehicle Identification Number), # of Axles.
- After that the date of the sale along with the purchase price of the Boat, motor & trailer needs to be mentioned. Once that is done, in the last section of the form the buyer has to sign the document with the date above the undertaking which says; “I, the undersigned hereby swear or affirm that I am the seller of the watercraft described herein and that the information provided in this bill of sale is true and correct to the best of my belief. I am aware that the law provides severe penalties for making false statements under the oath” and the seller has to sign the document below the undertaking.

Kansas Watercraft or Boat Bill of Sale Form
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