The Maryland vessel bill of sale form is used when an individual decides to sell or transfer their ownership rights of the vessel in the state of Maryland. This form need to be submitted to the “MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LICENSING & REGISTRATION SERVICE”. This form must be filled by the seller and if there are any alterations in the form then it will be considered as invalid.
The pointers given below will help you fill the form with ease
- Begin filling the form with the vessel hull identification number, manufacturer of the vessel, length in ft. & inches, year of purchase, motor serial number, manufacturer of the motor and its horsepower. After that, provide the vessel registration number or USG documentation number, gross sale price (vessel, motor and accessories excluding trailer) and the date of sale.
- Next, choose from the options given for Vessel Type, Hull Material, Propulsion and Fuel individually. Then provide all the details of the purchaser and the seller which must include their full and legal name (first, middle, last) along with their complete address and the city, state & zip code.
- Lastly, the document must be dated and signed by the seller certifying that the aforementioned details are true to the best of their knowledge.

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